Two of my kids at the old courthouse
Climbing the rickety stairs
Iconic artwork in the old courthouse: "There Once Was A Cowboy"

Someone else who maybe once was a cowboy standing in a totally Texas throwback setting underneath a nest full of baby birds (see it?) We even saw the mama go back and forth a couple times to give them food. It nearly made me cry and think of all the times when I've gotten frustrated when one of my own kids tells me they're hungry or thirsty (thirty minutes after they've already eaten - or refused to eat - and two seconds after they've spilt their milk/juice/water)… Why does fulfilling my children's basic needs feel so annoying sometimes? It's because I'm not as good of a mother as this bird. She was so sweet to them and it made me feel like such a bitch.
The surprisingly amazing hodgepodge boutique that the awesome bird-mom built her babies' nest outside of. She's even fucking cooler than me. I mean, look back up at the precarious place she made their home. It's like how I want a tiny home out in the desert mountains, but still want it to be near shopping places and the town center and everything. It'll never happen for me, probably, but this bird-mama made it happen for herself and her kids. Like a boss.
From the town brewery.
The delightful "signed" One Direction poster inexplicably hanging in the bbq restaurant's bathroom, betwixt the denim fabric stall dividers, cowhide curtains, and lavender paraphernalia (homage to the nearby lavender farm which we will have to hit next time).
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