Thursday, November 5, 2015

Just here at midnight thinking, and all the important stuff in my mind just keeps being interrupted by The Weeknd. Like, I just can't help but visually erase the other two e's in his name as well to make it The Wknd. It still reads the same, I feel. And if you're gonna go all modern text speak for your stage name, then seriously go all the way. Fuck ALL the e's. Every single one. Right? Be Tha Wknd. THA WKND. There's nothing clever about leaving out that one e. No one's like: I see what you did there, and it's magical. It's like when I'm filling out an electronic form too fast and don't press the e hard enough on one part of my name and then I'm forever Chairz at that place. It's not cute or funny or cutting edge. It's just fuuuck.

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