Friday, October 2, 2015

Back on the grind already

So my youngest son arrived Saturday afternoon. I woke up feeling strange that morning. By 10:30 am I realized I was having contractions. But the doctor told me to stay home because having contractions six minutes apart wasn't close enough. Two hours later, the contractions were already two minutes apart and we couldn't get a hold of the doctor again, so the hubby and I were like fuck this and headed to the hospital where they informed us I was already eight centimeters dilated and would need to start pushing the moment my room was prepped and my IV was in. And, oh, there wouldn't be enough time for an epidural, either. In the time it would take for the on-call anesthesiologist to arrive and for the medicine to kick in, the baby would already be born. So I gave birth naturally. And it was one of the best experiences of my life. I've already pretty much forgotten the pain. 

And now here he is and here we are, tweeting together, writing blog posts, doing little sofa-friendly tasks for our upcoming move, and brainstorming Hellbent issue 2 <3

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